- Mn-カタラーゼにおける過酸化水素不均化反応機構の解明に向けて (口頭発表) 庄村康人
- Ni置換型ルブレドキシン変異体の構造機能相関の解明 (口頭発表) 遠藤啓貴,横山優花,松井眞美,飯塚夏海,庄村康人
- 偏性嫌気性細菌由来Mn-カタラーゼ様タンパク質の構造解析 (口頭発表) 野村葵,門倉佳輝,庄村康人
- Ni置換型ルブレドキシン変異体のX線・中性子結晶子構造解析(ポスター発表) 遠藤啓貴, 庄村康人
- X-ray crystal structure analysis of the Ni-substituted rubredoxin mutant(ポスター発表) Keiki Endo, Yuka Yokoyama, Mami Matsui, Natsumi Iitsuka, Yasuhito Shomura
- 還元型Mn-カタラーゼのX線・中性子結晶構造解析(ポスター発表) 鈴井美羽,高木夕里圭,高野紗和,高橋果林,山田太郎,庄村康人
- 高度好熱菌由来Mn-カタラーゼの結晶構造解析 (ポスター発表) 高木夕里圭,高野紗和,高橋果林,山田太郎,庄村康人
- Clostridium acetobutylicum由来Rubrerythrinの構造解析 (ポスター発表) 伊藤拓未,川崎信治,庄村康人
- Structure analyses of Rubrerythrin from Clostridium acetobutylicum (ポスター発表) Takumi Itoh,Yasuhito Shomura
- Ni結合型ルブレドキシンの物性・機能相関の解明 (依頼講演) 庄村康人
- Improved hydrogen evolution activity of the Ni-substituted rubredoxin by site-directed mutagenesis (依頼講演) Yasuhito Shomura, Yuka Yokoyama
- Mn-カタラーゼへの部位特異的変異導入とその酵素学的解析 (ポスター発表) 高野紗和,高橋果林,山田太郎,庄村康人
- Ni置換型ルブレドキシンのX線・中性子結晶構造解析 (ポスター発表) 横山優花,庄村康人
- L-アミノ酸リガーゼを用いた生理活性ペプチドのin vivo合成系の確立 (ポスター発表) 清野里々花,矢ヶ崎誠,庄村康人
- 放線菌由来シトクロムP450の基質特異性の解明 (ポスター発表) 樋澤芽依,纐纈健人,庄村康人
- [NiFe]ヒドロゲナーゼがもつ鉄硫黄クラスターの新規機能 (口頭発表) 庄村康人
- Oxidation-induced conformational change at the active site of the soluble NAD+-reducing [NiFe]-hydrogenase(招待講演) Yasuhito Shomura
- X線小角散乱法による コラーゲンプロリンtrans-4-水酸化酵素の構造解析 (ポスター発表) 宗田善久,庄村康人
- In vivo synthesis of physiologically active peptides using the protein-engineered L-amino acid ligase (ポスター発表) Ririka Seino, Makoto Yagasaki, Yasuhito Shomura
- Quaternary structure prediction of collagen prolyl trans-4-hydroxylase by SAXS analysis (ポスター発表) Yoshihisa Soda, Yasuhito Shomura
- Crystal structure analysis of the nickel-Substituted rubredoxin from Caldanaerobacter subterraneus (ポスター発表) Yuka Yokoyama, Yasuhito Shomura
- Structural studies on [NiFe]-hydrogenases(招待講演) Yasuhito Shomura
- X線小角散乱法によるコラーゲンプロリンtrans-4-水酸化酵素の構造解析(ポスター発表) 宗田善久,庄村康人
- Small angle X-ray scattering analysis of collagen prolyl trans-4-hydroxylase(ポスター発表) Yoshihisa Soda, Yasuhito Shomura
- X-ray structure analysis of cytochrome P450 from Stackebrandtia nassauensis(ポスター発表) Mei Hizawa, Kento Koketsu, Yasuhito Shomura
- Biosynthesis of the organometallic compound: the maturation processes of [NiFe]-hydrogenases(口頭発表) Yasuhito Shomura
- X-ray structure analysis of the HypCD complex in the metal-bound forms(ポスター発表) Masashi Sawabe, Yoshiki Higuchi, Yasuhito Shomura
- X-ray structure analysis of the dipeptide synthetase RSp1486a(ポスター発表) Mei Hizawa, Makoto Yagasaki, Yoshiki Higuchi, Yasuhito Shomura
- Fe(CN)2CO 錯体の生合成に関与するHypCD複合体の二価金属結合型構造(ポスター発表) 澤辺大嗣,樋口芳樹,庄村康人
- ジペプチド合成酵素RSp1486aのX線結晶構造解析(ポスター発表) 樋澤芽依,矢ケ崎誠,樋口芳樹,庄村康人
- ヒドロゲナーゼがもつ鉄硫黄クラスターの構造的多様性(口頭発表) 庄村康人, Noor Dina Binti Muhd Noor, 西川幸志, 樋口芳樹
- Fe(CN)2CO 錯体の生合成に関与するHypCD複合体のFe結合型構造(口頭発表) 庄村康人,樋口芳樹,Robert Szilagyi
- X-ray structure analysis of the [NiFe]-hydrogenase from Citrobacter sp. S-77(招待講演) Y. Shomura
- [NiFe]ヒドロゲナーゼのX線結晶構造解析(招待講演) 庄村康人
2022年度iBIX-JAXA-KEK物構研-QST 合同タンパク質研究会
6th International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science at Ibaraki University
21 - 22 Feb. 2022,Online
令和3年度 日本結晶学会年会
5th International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science at Ibaraki University
19 - 21 Nov. 2020,Online
2020年度iBIX-JAXA-KEK 物構研-QST 合同タンパク質研究会
43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry
30 Jul. - 4 Aug. 2018, Sendai International Center, Sendai
3rd International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science at Ibaraki University
30 May - 2 Jun. 2018,Ibaraki Univ., Mito
3rd International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science at Ibaraki University
30 May - 2 Jun. 2018,Ibaraki Univ.,Mito
3rd International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science at Ibaraki University
30 May - 2 Jun. 2018,Ibaraki Univ.,Mito
3rd International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science at Ibaraki University
30 May - 2 Jun. 2018,Ibaraki Univ.,Mito
2nd International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science at Ibaraki University
8-9 Dec. 2017,Ibaraki Univ.,Mito
2nd International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science at Ibaraki University
8-9 Dec. 2017,Ibaraki Univ.,Mito
The International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science at Ibaraki University
20 Nov. 2016,Ibaraki Univ.,Mito
The International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science at Ibaraki University
18-20 Nov. 2016,Ibaraki Univ.,Mito
The International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science at Ibaraki University
18-20 Nov. 2016,Ibaraki Univ,Mito
平成28年度 日本結晶学会年会
平成28年度 日本結晶学会年会
第88回 日本生化学会大会
平成27年度 日本結晶学会年会
I2CNER International Workshop 2015
4 Feb 2015,Kyusyu Univ.,Fukuoka
第27回 日本放射光学会年会放射光科学合同シンポジウム
- Redox-dependent conformational changes of a proximal [4Fe-4S] cluster in Hyb-type [NiFe]-hydrogenase to protect the active site from O2. Noor N.D.M., Matsuura H., Nishikawa K., Tai H., Hirota S., Kim J., Kang J., Tateno M., Yoon K-S. , Ogo S., Kubota S., Shomura Y., Higuchi Y.
- Complete Genome Sequence of a Moderately Thermophilic Facultative Chemolithoautotrophic Hydrogen-Oxidizing Bacterium, Hydrogenophilus thermoluteolus TH-1. Arai H., Shomura Y., Higuchi Y., Ishii M.
- Structural basis of the redox switches in the NAD+-reducing soluble [NiFe]-hydrogenase. Shomura Y.*,†, Taketa M.*, Nakashima H., Tai H., Nakagawa H., Ikeda Y., Ishii M., Igarashi Y., Nishihara H., Yoon K-S., Ogo S., Hirota S., Higuchi Y.†
- Rational Design of Domain-Swapping-Based c-Type Cytochrome Heterodimers by Using Chimeric Proteins. Zhang M., Nakanishi T., Yamanaka M., Nagao S., Yanagisawa S., Shomura Y., Shibata N., Ogura T., Higuchi Y., Hirota S.
- Synthesis and Reactivity of a Water-soluble NiRu Monohydride. Matsumoto T., Yoshimoto K., Zheng C., Shomura Y., Higuchi Y., Nakai H., Ogo S.
- Domain-swapped cytochrome cb562 dimer and its nanocage encapsulating a Zn-SO4 cluster in the internal cavity. Miyamoto T., Kuribayashi M., Nagao S., Shomura Y., Higuchi Y., Hirota S.
- Oligomerization enhancement and two domain swapping mode detection for thermostable cytochrome c552 via the elongation of the major hinge loop. Ren C., Nagao S., Yamanaka M., Komori H., Shomura Y., Higuchi Y., Hirota S.
- Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the NAD+-reducing [NiFe] hydrogenase from Hydrogenophilus thermoluteolus TH-1. Taketa M., Nakagawa H., Habukawa M., Osuka H., Kihira K., Komori H., Shibata N., Ishii M., Igarashi Y., Nishihara Y., Yoon K-S., Ogo S., Shomura Y., Higuchi Y.
- Refined Regio- and Stereoselective Hydroxylation of l-Pipecolic Acid by Protein Engineering of l-Proline cis-4-Hydroxylase Based on the X-ray Crystal Structure. Koketsu K., Shomura Y., Moriwaki K., Hayashi M., Mitsuhashi S., Hara R., Kino K., Higuchi Y.
- Rational Design of Heterodimeric Protein using Domain Swapping for Myoglobin. Lin Y.W., Nagao S., Zhang M., Shomura Y., Higuchi Y., Hirota S.
- Photosensitivity of the Ni-A state of [NiFe] hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Miyazaki F with visible light. Osuka H., Shomura Y., Komori H., Shibata N., Nagao S., Higuchi Y., Hirota S.
- Crystal structure analysis of the translation factor RF3 (release factor 3). Kihira K., Shimizu Y., Shomura Y., Shibata N., Kitamura M., Nakagawa A., Tsukihara T., Ueda T., Ochi K., Higuchi Y.
- Structural and oxygen binding properties of dimeric horse myoglobin. Nagao S., Osuka H., Yamada T., Uni T., Shomura Y., Imai K., Higuchi Y., Hirota S.
- Structural basis for the reaction mechanism of S-carbamoylation of HypE by HypF in the maturation of [NiFe]-hydrogenases. Shomura Y.*, Higuchi Y.*
- Structural and enzymatic characterization of BacD, an L-amino acid dipeptide ligase from Bacillus subtilis. Shomura Y., Hinokuchi E., Ikeda H., Senoo A., Takahashi Y., Saito J., Komori H., Shibata N., Yonetani Y., Higuchi Y.
- Structural basis for [4Fe-3S] cluster in the O2-tolerant membrane-bound [NiFe] hydrogenase. Shomura Y., Yoon K-S., Nishihara H., Higuchi Y.
- Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of membrane-bound respiratory [NiFe] hydrogenase from Hydrogenovibrio marinus. Shomura Y., Hagiya K., Yoon K-S., Nishihara H., Higuchi Y.
- Crystallographic characterization of the DIX domain of the Wnt signalling positive regulator Ccd1. Terawaki S., Yano K., Katsutani T., Shiomi K., Keino-Masu K., Masu M., Shomura Y., Komori H., Shibata N., Higuchi Y.
Chem. Commun., 54(87) 12385-12388. 2018
Microbiol. Resour. Announc., 7(6) e00857-18. 2018
Science, 357(6354) 928-932. 2017
*Equally contributed authors
†Double corresponding authors
Chembiochem, 18(17) 1712-1715. 2017
Chem. Lett., 45(2) 197-199. 2016
Chem.Sci., 6(12) 7336-7342. 2015
Mol. Biosyst., 11(12) 3218-3221. 2015
Acta Crystallogr. F Struct. Biol. Commun., 71(Pt 1) 96-99. 2015
ACS Synth. Biol., 4(4) 383-392. 2015
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 54(2) 511-515. 2015
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 430(1) 284-288. 2013
FEBS Lett., 586(20) 3705-3709. 2012
Dalton Trans., 41(37) 11378-11385. 2012
J. Biol. Chem., 287(34) 28409-28419. 2012
*Double corresponding authors
Protein Sci., 21(5) 707-716. 2012
Nature, 479(7372) 253-256. 2011
Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun., 67(Pt7) 827-829. 2011
Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun., 67(Pt7) 758-761. 2011
- Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry(共著) Shomura Y., Higuchi Y.
- 「生物物理」誌(共著) 庄村康人,樋口芳樹
Standard Article "NAD+-reducing [NiFe]-Hydrogenase" 2019
Wiley Online Library DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119951438.eibc2697
Chapter 18 "Structural Insights into the Protective Mechanisms against O2 in the [NiFe]-Hydrogenases" 365-377. 2019
ELSEVIER Inc. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-814197-7.00001-7
解説 「 [NiFe]ヒドロゲナーゼがもつ鉄硫黄クラスターによる酸素防御機構」 58(6), 297-302. 2018
一般社団法人日本生物物理学会 ISSN 0582-4052